Session 47

Cognitive Behavioral Coaching: Psychological Safety and Daily Thought Records

This week we conclude our exploration of Cognitive Behavioral Coaching. We will have only scratched the surface of how Cognitive Behavioral Psychology can be applied into the coaching space, but hopefully these tools both support your clients while also stimulating your interest in the field.

Daily Thought Records, or Daily Thought Journals, can be a great way for the client to cultivate self awareness between sessions. Take a look at the following Daily Thought Records and consider filling one out for the next few days. You can target certain types of experiences you want to unpack each time they come up, or you could take a moment to reflect on the most challenging experience of each day for 5 or 7 days to make a weeklong journal.

Below is a video on the Psychological Safety Cycle. Be prepared to either coach around the Daily Thought Records or this Psychological Safety Cycle for our practice session.

Session 48: Reflection and Celebration