Session 37

Powerful Questioning 401

This week we take a final look at Powerful Questioning and how to pursue mastery as you continue to build your coaching skills beyond this course.

During the next few sessions, come prepared to perform in a live class demo while being assessed by your fellow coaches.

  • As coaches, come prepared to coach simply. Expect to receive live feedback as well. This will be a way for you to put all of the learning from the course together.
  • As practice-peer clients, come prepared to be coached at least once over the next 5 sessions. As much as reasonably possible, try and keep your responses fairly short for the sake of practice.
  • As observers, you will need to provide data-driven feedback tracking 1-2 aspects of the coach’s work. Be ready to first share this data with the coach, then provide a general impression of the session.

This practice should put everyone in a nervous state, which is a great place to coach! Please review the following videos and practice your physiological recovery when you get distracted and nervous.

Session 38: Coaching Agreements 401