Session 7

Coaching Using Assessments

Coach Assessments

Before we get into coaching using assessments, let’s talk a bit about being assessed as a coach.

Throughout the training you will be assessed during the live sessions (using the data driven feedback), through Group Mentor Coaching (6 hours total) and through 1:1 Mentor Coaching (4 sessions total). During weeks 7-12 we will have our first 1:1 Mentor Coaching Sessions. The first Group Mentor Coaching sessions should be scheduled by session 18.

It is important for everyone to submit 2 sessions during the next 12 weeks. To do this, upload a copy of your recording to iCloud, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc. and share a link to the audio file with me. You may be able to simply attach the audio file to an email as well (depending on the size of the file). The practice sessions should be a recording of the beginning of the session to the end of the session, which should take about 20-50 minutes.

As a reminder: You will need to have a signed contract with your practice client(s) in order to record the sessions. To build your contract, see the ICF’s sample coaching agreement (pdf / Word) Make sure your contract includes a clear permission to record the sessions for training purposes (to be shared with Corporate Sponsored Coach Training) and for the ICF’s review as well.

I recommend using a service like Zoom to help facilitate and record a coaching session for assessment purposes. You can find two articles below to help you get started hosting and recording Zoom meetings:

How to Host a Zoom Meeting
How to Record a Zoom Meeting

When you are ready to schedule your 1:1 Mentor Coaching Session, please book the time here and we can meet in the zoom classroom. Make sure and send me the file/link to your recording a week before the 1:1. This way I can take the time to grade the recording before we meet.

Feel free to share any questions you might have on the class’s LinkedIn group. You can find a link to this group on your specific class page.

Coaching Using Assessments

IMPORTANT: Please take notes on the following videos/content to prepare for the session. You will also need to take a free DISC or Enneagram assessment to prepare to be a coachee during the practice sessions.


Enneagram Overview and Types breakdown. Make sure to familiarize yourself with the 9 types. Don’t worry about memorizing all of the details though.

Free Enneagram Assessment. Select this assessment or the free DISC assessment in preparation for the session. Everyone needs to have completed one of these two assessments to be prepared to be coached. You do not need to have paid for the full assessment, but rather be ready to discuss the initial result of the free version of the assessment.


DISC Overview and Elements breakdown. Familiarize yourself with the assessment and the 4 elements. Again, do not worry about memorizing all of the details. It would be good to have notes to reference during the coaching available, but the approach we are going to practice is not focused on the coach being the expert on the assessment.

Free DISC assessment. Select this assessment or the free Enneagram assessment in preparation for the session. Everyone needs to have completed one of these two assessments to be prepared to be coached. Again, you do not need to have paid for the full assessment, but rather be ready to discuss the initial result of the free version of the assessment.


If you would like, feel free to explore the overview of the MBTI types here, and you can take a free version here. As a coachee, you will need to have completed an Enneagram or DISC assessment for class. So any exploration of the MBTI is for additional learning if you would like.

360 Assessments

360s are one of the most important type of assessments a Corporate Sponsored Coach needs to know. Many coaching organizations and companies will have their own 360s as part of their performance feedback process.

If you would like more information on 360s, see the following links:

Session 8: Goal Setting