Corporate Coach Training

Make Coach Training Accessible.

The vision is for professional coaching to become globally accessible to all people. Therefore, the Corporate Sponsored Coaching Training program was created with the mission to make coach training globally accessible. Ultimately, the hope is to see coaching as a normative experience for every professional and even every high schooler in the world in the next 20 years. To do this, we need more PCC coaches, more MCC coaches, and more coach trainers who bring more empathy and opportunities to build awareness and experience growth across the globe.

Training Philosophy

Combining the Art and Science of Coaching

Corporate Coach Training LLC believes that by driving the cost of coach training down, making coach educational materials openly accessible, and partnering with organizations to bring coach training to people all across the globe, we will be able to see the field of coaching grow exponentially over the next decade.

We believe:

  • The ability to coach is not bound by personality or disposition; nor is it simply taught as an intellectual concept apart from experience.
  • Coaching is trained through guided and assessed practice.
  • Coaches should be trained, from the beginning, towards Professional Certified Coach standards with an awareness of how they can reach towards Master Certified Coach performance.
  • We believe performing as a professional coach takes practice, feedback and discussion with the traditional educational method of transferring information happening primarily outside of the classroom.
  • We believe that coaches are capable of earning any level of coach credential through this approach of focused practice and an openness to constructive practice.

Coach Training Programs

Our Level 2 coach training program provides a space for discussion, questions, demonstrations, practice, feedback, and social support as students in the program grow together. The cost and payment structure of the program emphasizes the need to make coaching more accessible while the feedback and assessment process provides a data-driven approach to help train around both the Art and Science of client-driven coaching. The 48 session program provides 144 ICF accredited training hours leading to a certification focused on preparing coaches for both the Associate Certified Coach (ACC) and the Professional Certified Coach (PCC) credentials through a complete ICF Level 2 program. The entire program–training, mentor coaching, recording transcription and performance evaluation, is offered at $3,000 (USD) and is able to be broken up into regular payments.

Our ICF Accredited Level 3 coach training program is designed to support coaches moving towards their MCC credential. Coaches who complete the Corporate Coach Training MCC Level 3 Training will have a greater awareness of what the ICF requires for the MCC performance evaluation as well as a sense of confidence for how to pursue this level of performance on a more consistent basis. Coaches will also have a sense of how to better self-assess their performance and how to provide more effective feedback as mentor coaches for others. This program offers a space for discussion and practice, but requires a higher level of vulnerability, openness to giving and receiving feedback and willingness to grow in a space of helpful discomfort. This 6 month program provides 80 hours of training and 10 hours of mentor coaching. The entire program–training, mentor coaching, transcription for 10 recordings, and 10 recording assessments is offered at $4,000 (USD) and is able to be broken into regular payments.

Coaches who are interested in participating in only the second half of the program are welcome to apply as a Level 1 or ACC transfer participant. If this applies to you, please indicate your previous experience in the notes section of the interest form here. Transfer participants must be ready to provide proof of their completion of a Level 1 training program and/or their ICF-ACC credential. The cost of participating in the second half of the training as a transfer participant is $2000 (10 hours mentor coaching included).

Organizations who would like to have Corporate Coach Training LLC support a specialized cohort of coaches who have already earned their ACC credentials with the ICF or completed Level 1 training programs can also engage in 24 sessions and 10 hours of mentor coaching dedicated to preparing for the PCC. If desired, these custom cohorts may focus even more on Competency Sessions (Sessions 1-6, 13-18, and 37-42 with a mix of sessions focused on training coaches to use certain tools from an ICF competency perspective).

The ACSTH to Level 1 Bridge program is a mentor coaching program designed to support coaches who completed 60 hours or more of ICF Approved Coach Specific Training Hours and need help preparing for their ICF ACC application. ICF: Coaches interested in the Level 1 Bridge program may submit up to 20 non-ICF accredited hours of coach training as part of their 60 hour minimum. The applying student would need to demonstrate how these hours are aligned with the ICF Core Competencies. Acceptance of these hours are at the discretion of the CSCT head of training. Students in this program are required to review 12 sessions of competency based content, complete 4 hours of 1:1 mentor coaching, complete 6 hours of group mentor coaching sessions, submit 7-8 recorded coaching sessions and demonstrate performance at the PCC level by the end of the mentor coaching experience. Coaches who complete this program will have completed the mentor coaching requirements and performance evaluation requirements for the CSCT Level 2 program earning them a Level 1 certificate with their transfer credits and allowing the coach to join a Level 2 transfer program with a Level 1 transfer certificate. The cost of this bridge program is $1250. Coaches who complete this program and, within a year of competing the program, register to join the CSCT Level 2 transfer program would have a total cost of $2250 for both programs.