Mentor Coaching Overview

Mentor Coaching is defined by the ICF as a process which “consists of coaching and feedback in a collaborative, appreciative and dialogued process based on an observed or recorded coaching session to increase the coach’s capability in coaching, in alignment with the ICF Core Competencies.” The purpose of mentor coaching is to help a coach better understand how to grow in demonstrating the ICF’s Core Competencies within a coaching session.

Coach assessment is key to measuring a coach’s growth. When providing or receiving feedback as part of a coach assessment process, it is very important for there to be a balance between the art and science of a coaching session. Additionally, the impact a coaching session can make for a client is distinct from the performance of the coach.

Corporate Sponsored Coach Training uses a data-driven approach to coach assessment, which can be seen here.

Mentor coaching sessions are held in a 1:1 and group format. The ICF requires a minimum of 10 hours of mentor coaching to apply for a coaching credential. 7 of these hours can be in a group setting. Mentor coaching is also used by coaches who want to continue to refine their skills while also supporting their continuing education requirements.

The CSCT program includes 6 hours of group mentor coaching and 4 1:1 mentor coaching sessions. For those who are interested in additional mentor coaching, the Support, Feedback and Mentoring subscription provides monthly, in-depth mentor coaching. See this link for more details.