4. Awareness Deep Dive

In this session we will spend time reflecting on one of the greatest challenges coaches face in their professional development: How does one make meaningful, artful exploration repeatable?

Often, when thinking of creating a repeatable process we think more of transactional coaching and surface level questions that might miss the heart of the client. However, sometimes coaches hold the idea that not having a system or structure to their questions will create more freedom of exploration. To the contrary, the coach who follows no repeatable structure or system will follow an internal system determined by their “autopilot.”

So, how does a coach demonstrate MCC level exploration and awareness building? The ideal solution is for the coach to expand their understanding of what options they face in every moment of a session and gain more control over their responsive decision making utilizing authentic communication and client language to offer a system that is dynamic enough to, at all times, feel as if it is reflecting the client’s own system of thinking.


  • Reviewing Session Content (This page)
    • Estimated time to complete: 2 hours
  • Self assess recording
    • Transcript to be provided by CSCT based on submitted recording
    • Use STAR·Feedback model (See below) to self assess half of the session
    • Time to complete will depend on length of session
  • Daily Coaching Record
    • Coaches should continue reflecting on roughly 4 coaching sessions each week taking note of their learnings using a journal/record similar to the one attached below.
    • Consider what patterns and persistent challenges you may find and be ready to discuss these learnings in the main session.
    • Time to Complete: 20-30 minutes per week

Class Overview

  • Homework Discussion: 25 min
  • Content Discussion: 25 min
  • Participant Demo (using STAR·Feedback): 25 min
  • Debrief: 10 min
  • Participant Demo (using STAR·Feedback): 25 min
  • Debrief: 10 min

Content Review

Resource List

This section will contain helpful links to previously explored documents. You do not have to re-download them.

STAR Feedback Guide