Program Overview

The Corporate Sponsored Coach Training Program focuses on developing the skills of the professional coach as applied to a corporate sponsored engagement. A sponsored engagement is a coaching arrangement where another party provides the coaching to the client. This is often the case in the corporate coaching space, which has marked differences when compared to the entrepreneurial coaching space.

Corporate Sponsored Coaching often serves clients who are mid-level managers, experienced directors, and executives who are more experienced with coaching. These clients may wrestle with increased responsibility, the need for delegation, identity crises tied to how they provide value to their teams, building their professional brand, working toward their long term goals, executive presence and handling constant communication challenges.

There is no map, no one right path or plan to success, for these clients. These leaders need coaches who will walk with them through the ambiguity they face and support their ability to build their story of success. Corporate Sponsored Coach Training helps coaches prepare to coach these leaders.

The International Coach Federation defines coaching as: “…Partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.” Regardless of the differences between any field of coaching, the core skills and competencies of a coach are not different. The ICF standards of coaching, the Core Competencies, are at the forefront of the Corporate Sponsored Coach Training program, and every training session emphasizes and assesses performance towards these standards.

Delivery, Experience and Prerequisites

The Corporate Sponsored Coach Training Level 2 program is delivered in two parts: Foundational CSC Training and Advanced CSC Training. Both courses are delivered via Zoom. Training materials are provided through this site, and are open to the public. The class experience includes open discussion around each session’s content, demonstrations of coaching and the use of coaching tools, and opportunities to practice with your fellow coaches-in-training via Zoom’s breakout sessions. Currently, the Corporate Sponsored Coach Training program is only provided in English. There are no prerequisites or prior training participants need to participate in the course.

Anyone interested in building a foundation of coaching skills according to the International Coach Federation’s Core Competencies will find value in the CSC Training program. However, the focus of the training is more on Sponsored Coaching where the client is not directly paying for their coaching experience. This type of coaching requires additional focus on rapport building and setting the coaching agreement early in the coaching relationship. The tools and resources found in Corporate Sponsored Coach Training can be used in many life and business applications, but these resources are specifically targeted towards Corporate Coaching clients.

Beyond the in-session training experience, coaches who participate in the Corporate Sponsored Coach Training Program can expect to engage with other coaches via the training program’s Mighty Networks social platform. Coaches will also find support as they apply their learning to real life having the invitation to book 30 minute support sessions with Bryan Hart during and even after the training.

Level 2: Corporate Sponsored Coach Training Overview

  • 106 Hours of Live Learning Time
  • Easily Accessible Digital Training Content
  • Over 40 Live Coaching Demonstrations and Q&A
  • Over 40 Breakout Sessions
    • Groups of 2 or 3
    • 6 Trainer Observations with Written Feedback
  • 6 Group Mentor Coaching Session
  • 4 Individual Mentor Coaching Sessions
  • 7 to 8 Total Assessed Recordings
Feedback and Mentor Coaching Process

The CSCT program provides a total of 10 hours of mentor coaching and 6 observed sessions per student.

  • 6 Observed Practice Sessions
    • Throughout the CSCT program participants will be able to practice in breakout sessions with their peers. During these sessions the class trainer will provide feedback to coaches and record this feedback in the participants’ mentor coaching and feedback file. By the end of the program, each coach should expect to receive 6 feedback forms associated with their breakout session practice.
  • 4 1:1 Mentor Coaching Sessions
    • Throughout the course, coaches are expected to submit recordings of their coaching to review with their mentor coach on a 1:1 basis. The mentor coach is responsible for providing feedback that supports the coach in building their skills towards the ICF’s PCC requirements. A total of 4 of these sessions are provided across the entire program.
  • 6 Group Mentor Coaching Sessions
    • During the course, coaches are expected to attend 6 total hours of group mentor coaching: 3 as observers and 3 as coaches receiving feedback. A group mentor coaching session tends to have 3-6 participants, and can have no more than 10. In the event that no coaches are in attendance to a group mentor coaching session for assessment, observers will be asked to practice their coaching live and receive live feedback. The goal of group mentor coaching is to receive feedback on coaching skills while being able to learn from one another’s unique styles, reactions to feedback, and questions that arise from the feedback process.
  • Our comprehensive guide to the mentor coaching process can be found here.
  • Here is a sample copy of the form used for mentor coaching and observed session feedback: