Powerful Questioning 201
This session begins our second quarter of coach training. Over the next 6 sessions we will be diving back into the International Coaching Federation Core Competencies to better understand how they apply to our work as coaches.
This week we are taking a look at one of the most important competencies in terms of demonstrable coaching skills: Competency 7 – Evokes Awareness. Below is an excerpt from the ICF’s Core Competencies page:
Evokes Awareness—Facilitates client insight and learning by using tools and techniques such as powerful questioning, silence, metaphor or analogy
1. Considers client experience when deciding what might be most useful
2. Challenges the client as a way to evoke awareness or insight
3. Asks questions about the client, such as their way of thinking, values, needs, wants and beliefs
4. Asks questions that help the client explore beyond current thinking
5. Invites the client to share more about their experience in the moment
6. Notices what is working to enhance client progress
7. Adjusts the coaching approach in response to the client’s needs
8. Helps the client identify factors that influence current and future patterns of behavior, thinking or emotion
9. Invites the client to generate ideas about how they can move forward and what they are willing or able to do
10. Supports the client in reframing perspectives
11. Shares observations, insights and feelings, without attachment, that have the potential to create new learning for the client
From the International Coach Federation: https://coachfederation.org/core-competencies
The next 3 videos will help build upon the foundation we have set over the last quarter as we stretch towards more consistent and impactful performance as coaches with our questioning.
Finally, here you will find a pdf guide that lists a variety of questions that further demonstrate the differences between various types of questions. Keep in mind, as with all lists of questions, this is only meant to be a sample for learning rather than a “word bank” to use while in a coaching session.